as well as the public perceive your brand. As the world becomes a larger "global village" and the job market becomes more competitive, the employer brand is now a key part of the process of hiring and retaining employees. Where to start employer branding activities? A well-constructe, well-thought-out employer branding strategy helps to attract valuable employees and reuces the turnover of current employees. In addition, it has a large impact on the level of satisfaction of individual members of the employee team, and also really increases the efficiency of their daily professional duties.
Which in the long term may contribute to the company's success on the market. But how to make employer branding activities bring satisfactory results? Where to start? The first step should be a detaile analysis of current activities. Some companies use employer photo editor branding tools quite unconsciously. Most often these are: the "Career" tab on the website, a rational package of benefits for employees, or professional, extensive job advertisements. The next step is to indicate the purpose of employer branding activities. The goal should be specific, rational, achievable within a specifie time.

In order to define it, it is necessary to analyze current problems. Proper research will help determine what nees to be improve, what is worth working on in the first place. Example: the company offers good employment conditions, has a rational package of benefits for employees, but is unable to use it in recruitment processes. Her job advertisements are illegible, not very detaile, and do not match the vision and character of the brand. As a result, it has difficulty finding valuable, In such a situation, the company in its employer branding activities should primarily focus on improving the content and appearance of recruitment advertisements.